Sunday, April 17, 2011

When Power Asks for Civility, It Means You're Starting to Get Your Point Across

Davin McHenry:

In his first speech since being named chancellor, Dennis Walcott poured on the charm, asking everyone to “dial down the rhetoric” and giving no hints of any new reforms he’s planning.

Paul Krugman knows what I'm talking about.

Don't let up.


garrett said...

I rarely read Krugman, but holy Toledo, don't I see St. Paul's name on quite a few blogs. Not wanting to succumb to cynicism I'll merely say, "I think I must be reading the wrong blogs." Great Society, New Deal, Hope, punk Rock - personanllay I want to believe we are in a post-Labeling society. Krug to his credit, seems to be a smart Platitude Man. Lastly, Don't Mind Me, I just find the Dem/GOP division a farce and a yawn, maybe i'm eremitically positive....this week.

Currently listeng to: XTC-Stupidly Happy

garrett said...

Hi Tom--
The rumor mill has it that Krug is putting out a split 7" on his New York Timez record label -
- Platitude Man (Vehicle Flips) b/w Stupidly Happy (XTC)