Friday, June 08, 2007

Sugar at NECC 2008

I'm thinking I should just make a proposal for NECC 2008 like "Using OLPC Sugar in the Writing Classroom," whether or not I have any idea of how to do so in October of 2007 (roughly when submissions will be due). Because otherwise, it is easy to imagine that it will be June of 2009 before anyone would possibly make a regular NECC presentation on using Sugar, which seems like an awfully long time from now.


  1. I'll co-present with you. We can do it in a main session, a poster session, and then in the open source lab so everyone can try it out themselves.

    Chris Craft

  2. Tom,

    Do it. Keep up posted on Sugar -- looks fascinating and pedagogically useful.

  3. Um. That should read "us." Not "up." Forgive the typo. I teach the good English, yes.
