Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thoughts Today...

... I'm pretty sure kids were never taught to use fountain pens outside a business class, but I might be wrong ... also, the problem with reading business/marketing blogs: the context is "not only are the wealthy like us, they are us" ... we need to hold more firmly to the idea that that the reason teachers don't use technology is because we give them lousy technology ... also, we tend to not actually give them technology ... I must admit that I thought Fisch's prediction that Google would get in the energy business, directly at least, was absurd; guess I was wrong about that one ... otoh, not holding my breath for Googlezon ... the falling dollar is helpful for the Euro-denominated SchoolTool budget ... after I saw the EeePC in Indianapolis, I realized I should have grilled them a little about license compliance; I knew Asus would screw it up ... when it came out that they screwed it up, I figured they would fix it; they did, so nothing to see here ... Stephen points out that I was reading yesterday with my David Warlick glasses on: only seeing the parts that reinforce what I already want to say ... took me a few takes to realize Gruber was quoting the real Steve Jobs and not the fake one ... maybe Doug Johnson would understand DRM better if he'd think of it as a filter installed on your own computer ... it is nice that Doug, Miguel and Wes are all posting a Naomi Wolf interview, but ongoing links to posts on liberal blogs would be even better ... you know, it seems like there are a lot of ed-tech bloggers whose actual work with kids and teachers I respect a lot more than their interpretation of their own work.


  1. Is there a blogroll of liberal blogs you'd recommend following? It's a big blogosphere....

    Thanks for the nice comment! (you weren't being sarcastic, were you?)


  2. Miguel,
    I'd recommend following my shared items for a while.
