Wednesday, October 20, 2010

PVD High School -> College Enrollment Stats

Some last scraps of data I could never put my hands on last year. This is from the National Student Clearinghouse, if it is publicly available online, I don't know where.

This is Percent of Students Enrolled in College the Fall Immediately Following Graduation From High School for the class of 2009:

The little numbers next to the school names are the years of data for the school if it is different than 8. Note that the big jump in Hope scores kicked in when the class of 2010 took the NECAP as juniors, so those students are not reflected here. Classical, of course, is the selective enrollment school which requires a test for entry.

Here is the multi-year average of the same data for schools with more than three years of graduates:

For those of you just joining us, Feinstein High School is the school I helped start and was named as one of Rhode Island's persistently low performing by Commissioner Gist, and closed by Superintendent Brady.


  1. Despite your explanation, I don't get the little numbers next to the school names. The data must be for the class of 2009, based on your description, so I'm not sure I understand what you mean when you say "years of data for the school if it is different than 8".

  2. The number of years of available data isn't relevant to the class of 2009 graph. It is just kinda hanging out there. I don't spend *that* much time polishing these. ;-)

    It is relevant to the other graph, which is the average of all available years. If there is no number, there is 8 years worth of data, the most available.
