Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Should Teachers Consider TED a Reliable Source? Why, Exactly?

Evgeny Morozov:

So I take no pleasure in declaring what has been obvious for some time: that TED is no longer a responsible curator of ideas “worth spreading.” Instead it has become something ludicrous, and a little sinister.

Today TED is an insatiable kingpin of international meme laundering—a place where ideas, regardless of their quality, go to seek celebrity, to live in the form of videos, tweets, and now e-books. In the world of TED—or, to use their argot, in the TED “ecosystem”—books become talks, talks become memes, memes become projects, projects become talks, talks become books—and so it goes ad infinitum in the sizzling Stakhanovite cycle of memetics, until any shade of depth or nuance disappears into the virtual void. Richard Dawkins, the father of memetics, should be very proud. Perhaps he can explain how “ideas worth spreading” become “ideas no footnotes can support.”

Even if you like a lot of TED talks, it should be rather obvious that the format and approach invites an inevitable decline into hucksterism.

1 comment:

  1. Regrettable - I used to love TED, now it's another form of marketing.
