Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Fact Check


...His school principal, Deborah Morse, disagreed. She ran across the street, tore down the banner and suspended Frederick from school. The infraction? Holding up a banner at a non-school event not held on school property or during the school day. Frederick sued, claiming that his civil rights had been violated and won all the way up through the appeals process until today. (emphasis added)


The event in question occurred during normal school hours and was sanctioned by [Principal] Morse as an approved social event at which the district’s student-conduct rules expressly applied. Teachers and administrators were among the students and were charged with supervising them. Frederick stood among other students across the street from the school and directed his banner toward the school, making it plainly visible to most students. Under these circumstances, Frederick cannot claim he was not at school.

I don't, of course, agree with this decision, but it would be nice to keep the facts straight.

1 comment:

tellio said...

A classic example of "bad cases make bad law." Unfortunately, My secondary school experience shows that principals ain't really your pals.