Friday, December 11, 2009

A Vision of 2012... circa 1993

Scott McLeod:

Judy O’Connell asked if the video below is the future of magazines. Yes, absolutely. Maybe not by 2010 or 2012 but sooner than we think. And for newspapers and books too. And, to a lesser extent, maybe we’ll even start seeing more interactivity and/or multimedia embedded within scholarly research, government or policy center reports, and other manuscripts.

If ‘news’ is becoming more of a commodity every day, perhaps it’s this sort of added value from which publishers will make their money. I know I’d pay for something like this from my favorite periodicals.

Really? The future of magazines is digital magazines with video? This is what people thought the future would be like before the World Wide Web was invented. Maybe SI could mail this out on a CD-ROM every week.

In particular, it is amusing that Scott is arguing here that the disruptive innovation -- the web -- is at the 11th hour going to lose out to a sustaining innovation for traditional print media -- fancy proprietary tablet book readers.


garrett said...

This is interesting, but don't we already have this in the way of youtube channels, myspace EtC. They are DIY in a way unless has a page itself. Blah blah. I guess for some, "(It's ok to work for) Sports Illustrated International", no?

Mr. Lauer said...

forget the tablet, that hand creeps me out...

Scott McLeod said...

Hi Tom,

Thanks, as usual, for challenging my thinking.

I don't think I argued for 'fancy proprietary tablet book readers' over the Web, nor did I say that the future of magazines is simply 'digital magazines with video.'

Instead, what I believe (and maybe didn't state so clearly) is that it's these kind of things - interactive media, including integrated text / audio / photos / video / gaming / etc. - perhaps curated and arranged by some "trusted" entity like Sports Illustrated or ESPN - that will represent our future reading / viewing / interaction. I don't see this kind of interactive media / journalism necessarily being limited to the Web or portable devices. It likely will be available in a variety of different formats and on a variety of portable devices.

Hope this clarifies my thinking.