Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cracking Open the Wireless Web

Well, one step towards allowing some innovation in the wireless space. From the Machinist:

Once carriers move over to the 700 MHz band -- which promises faster, stronger wireless data connections across the country -- phone companies will not have the right to dictate to consumers what devices we can use on their network. This is a win for Google.

Wireless firms will also be prohibited from preventing us from using applications we choose on those devices -- you'll be able to use Skype or Firefox or whatever else on your phone, whether your carrier likes it or not. This is also a win for Google.

Note that in this case "Google" == "consumers." This is a very big deal, although its importance underscores how completely FUBAR our current wireless policy is.


Mr. Lauer said...

Question? So if I have a device that will run on this spectrum, and I purchase service from Company X, what happens when I wander off of Company X's 700 MHz coverage area and am back on their non 700 MHz network. Will the device still work?

Tom Hoffman said...

I don't really know the answer to your question. It seems like a hardware issue though. I don't know if you can use the same antennas for the different frequency range.

Mr. Lauer said...

I think Google was pushing for open access on the whole network of a provider. There is talk that the rules of the 700 spectrum will indicate that a provider provide open access to just their 700 spectrum, but not the rest of their network...