A Semi-Daily Advocate of the Modern School, Industrial Unionism, and Individual Liberty.
Please (continue to) listen to Linda Darling-Hammond and do what she says.
Tom Hoffman
(for Scott)
Regrettably, I don't share your optimism that Obama's education policies will be any less stupid than the current regime.Admittedly, he's a smart guy and LDH isn't evil, but I don't expect a lot of imagination, courage or bold action.
Well, I'm not sure I expect imagination, courage or bold action, and given the limits of the federal role in education, that might be a good thing, but I can't imagine they will be as stupid as the Bush regime.
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Regrettably, I don't share your optimism that Obama's education policies will be any less stupid than the current regime.
Admittedly, he's a smart guy and LDH isn't evil, but I don't expect a lot of imagination, courage or bold action.
Well, I'm not sure I expect imagination, courage or bold action, and given the limits of the federal role in education, that might be a good thing, but I can't imagine they will be as stupid as the Bush regime.
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