So unfortunately my carefully laid EduCon plans fell apart, and I ended up only seeing the opening panel on Friday night on "What is the purpose of school?" Considering that everything that it is possible to say on the subject has been said a thousand times, it was a genuinely entertaining panel. I tried to take a nap for the first half hour, but I ended up having to pay attention. Nice venue, lively moderator, interesting and varied panelists, engaged audience, good questions. Very well done.
What I really wanted to see was the Sunday morning panel:
- David Bromley -- Regional Director, Big Picture Schools
- Chris Lehmann -- Principal, Science Leadership Academy
- Marc Mannella -- Principal, KIPP Philadelphia
- Bette Manchester -- Former State Educational Technology Director, Maine
- Gary Stager-- Executive Director of the Constructivist Consortium
- Mike Wang -- Executive Director of Teach For America Greater Philadelphia
- Moderated by Andy Carvin -- National Public Radio
It was streamed, but I don't see a link to an archived video. Hopefully one will appear once everyone in Philly gets some sleep.
What happened to you? I saw you Friday but not again.
Too sick?
Was looking forward to chatting and getting a demo of SchoolTool...
this isn't absolutely all of it, but most of it...
The plan was to bring Vivian along and celebrate her 2nd birthday Saturday at her great aunt and uncle's house in West Chester. She had too much of a head cold to want to pressurize and de-pressurize her a few times, though, so she stayed home, and then I had to be home for the birthday party.
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