Tuesday, March 23, 2010

History of the "Do Now?"

One classroom technique that seems to have gained in popularity in the past decade is the "do now" at the beginning of the period, often followed by the "exit ticket" at the end of the period. Anyone know where this came from and what drove it?


Chris Lehmann said...

I was taught the Do Now as part of the developmental lesson plan (or so it was called) by my cooperating teacher in 1996.

Vanessa Vaile said...

In 1992 I learned "admit ticket" (do now) and "exit slip" (exit ticket) at a teaching college writing workshop series on WAC (writing across the curriculum).

Anonymous said...

Never saw a Do Now in my life... school in CT and MA (mostly the 1970s)... until I went to teach in NY (1997)

I find the imperative mood offensive, esp with "do."

I stopped using the phrase as soon as I had a supervisor who did not care.


Leroy's Mom said...

Learn exit ticket at my program at a state college in San Francisco in late 90's. Prof. had been in doctorate program at Penn State, and was a Vygotskikte. Never heard of Do Nows. Open Court reading uses the term "May Do" and "Must Do" for workshop (indpendant work time during Language Arts) to distinguish what students will have to finish first (Must do) from what activities they can choose from after that (May do).