A Semi-Daily Advocate of the Modern School, Industrial Unionism, and Individual Liberty.
Cheaper than a motorcycle, and more useful while Vivian rides her tricycle around the basketball court.
Gotta go with the brand that speaks to you...
When will you begin constructing the half-pipe?
I had that same midlife crisis two years ago.It hurts more the second time around, but bleeding's still fun!
I keep watching Built to Shred and eyeing the decaying footer where my driveway meets my house foundation...
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Gotta go with the brand that speaks to you...
When will you begin constructing the half-pipe?
I had that same midlife crisis two years ago.
It hurts more the second time around, but bleeding's still fun!
I keep watching Built to Shred and eyeing the decaying footer where my driveway meets my house foundation...
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