No band has evoked the sound of my inner self in the past decade like The National, and Nicholas Dawidoff does a disturbingly good job of translating that back into words. Apparently the forthcoming High Violet continues the trend:
It’s the world according to a man who isn’t getting any younger, mostly wants to be a good father and husband and employee and friend — and might be happy, but for all that resistance he thinks he keeps tamped in his own head. He used to be the Great White Hope, the hero of his own box-size living room. Now he’s got a kid on his shoulder, lives on coffee and cut flowers while thinking about clearing out of the Silver City and going back to Ohio where life is simpler — until you get there and remember why you left.
Hopefully there is a track on there that addresses the particular angst of the lengthening moments between the point at which you think your plan to make a clean break and clear out is going to work and the point at which you know you can start to let go. 'Cause it is getting pretty angsty around here right now.
Hm. I'm surprised the skateboard didn't do the trick.
The skating in this neighborhood sucks.
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