A Semi-Daily Advocate of the Modern School, Industrial Unionism, and Individual Liberty.
Andrew Leonard:
On a conference call with reporters Wednesday morning, Sen. Kay Hagan, D-N.C., promoted a bill she has introduced that would prohibit for-profit colleges from using taxpayer-funded financial aid for marketing, recruiting or advertising purposes.
Do charter schools in RI have to disclose private donations? I want to know how much money the Efficients are spending.
That's a complicated question, especially since for the more obnoxious charters, RIMA is a cash conduit. In short, I don't know.
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Do charter schools in RI have to disclose private donations? I want to know how much money the Efficients are spending.
That's a complicated question, especially since for the more obnoxious charters, RIMA is a cash conduit. In short, I don't know.
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