Wednesday, December 12, 2007

And So It Begins...

Doug Johnson got his XO today, the first confirmed G1G1 delivery.

It seems like more ed-tech leaders in the US have ordered one than I thought would. I guess I'm pretty used to the idea that folks aren't really interested in controlling the cost of hardware, having a durable machine actually designed for kids, free software, Python, ZeroConf networking, Jabber, Squeak and the dozens of other things that I like and are baked into the XO. So from my point of view, this is an ed-tech coming out for a whole stack of things I've advocated for years.

The problem here is that what people are going to see and form the basis of a big part of their opinion is the Sugar shell. I have no idea if it is going to feel fully baked. So... fingers crossed!

1 comment:

doug0077 said...

Hi Tom,

I think the most difficult thing for me to remember as I use this device is that it IS NOT MADE FOR ME, but for kids. If educators look at the system as one that enables learning without attempting to replace or duplicate a regular computer, they will accept it.

Of course it follows that those same educators embrace a constructivist, collaborative, problem-solving approach to education.

It'll be interesting, to say the least.
