This is the Grays' new umpire's mask. It is an 1890's Reach cage I got on eBay, with exellent replica leatherwork by Lincoln Shoe Repair on Reservoir Ave. The cage is in really good shape, but I wouldn't want to let a catcher hurl it to the ground over and over again. Plus, it is a good look for the umpire who wants to intimidate foul mouthed ball players.
Ah.. The Hoffman Family Christmas/Holiday/Birthday card... I'll take two...
Steampunk my ass, I went as fuckin Beowulf for this year's Day of The Dead costume party. The Penguins may be in goddamned last place, but only 5 points separate 'em from those cunts in first.
How's that Factor for a foul-mouthed Wimp?
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