Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Please Spread the Word

As you have no doubt noticed, I don't try very hard to make this blog comprehensible to anybody except me, and I often fail to even meet that standard. I have, however, put some serious time and thought into trying to explain, particularly to teachers, "10 Reasons you should care about the Common Core State Standards Initiative's Draft English Language Arts Standards." And while I don't really care how many people read this blog, I do care about preventing this mindlessly misguided policy from crushing English as a discipline in American schools, so please consider linking to, emailing, ning-ing, twittering and otherwise redistributing "10 Reasons you should care about the Common Core State Standards Initiative's Draft English Language Arts Standards" to folks who have in interest in literature, the arts, heck, even "international competitiveness."

Suggestions on making it even more easily understood are welcome.


1 comment:

Alice Mercer said...

My critique is here: I cannot fault you for effort, but it was a bit of a slog going through all of those posts. I listed my two favorites as well.