Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Michael Connery:

Ironically, while progressives talk about a more fair and equal society, the progressive movement itself prior to 2003 was structured to the benefit of the children of the wealthy and well-connected.

The longer context might be necessary though:

While progressive youth activism existed, it was disorganized, disconnected from the party apparatus, understaffed and underfunded with little strategic vision. Ironically, while progressives talk about a more fair and equal society, the progressive movement itself prior to 2003 was structured to the benefit of the children of the wealthy and well-connected. With so little money or institutional support, what few training opportunities existed often came at the expense of the trainee. Internships at progressive institutions (think tanks, magazines), which provide valuable experience and networking connections, are frequently non-paying, with little in the way of economic help for those not from privileged families. Other entry points into the progressive movement – like canvassing operations – offered slave-labor wages and little in the way of upward mobility or skills training.

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