In the course of our work, we discovered an almost entirely unknown measure of school performance: Total Student Load, the number of classes times the number of students per class that each teacher has.
Coalition of Essential Schools, circa 25 years ago, in the most influential statement of principles in the history of American public education:
Efforts should be directed toward a goal that no teacher have direct responsibility for more than 80 students in the high school and middle school and no more than 20 in the elementary school.
I think these kinds of phrases are inserted in education editorials as an intentional middle finger to everyone who actually knows anything about schools. Really.
Related: thanks for your blog. I can't follow you down the online space-game or baseball paths, but your observations about education are consistently the most helpful and challenging ones in my feed reader.
I'm just... speechless.
I think this is where "theory" and "practice" falls apart (or where quotation marks become indicies of irony).
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