- Alternative/Supplemental Services Domain
- Assessment Domain
- Career and Technical Education Domain
- Discipline Domain
- Education Organization Domain
- Enrollment Domain
- Graduation Domain
- School Calendar Domain
- Special Education Domain
- Staff Domain
- Student Academic Record Domain
- Student Attendance Domain
- Student Cohort Domain
- Student Identification and Demographics Domain
- Teaching and Learning Domain
- AcademicHonor
- AcademicSubjectsType
- AcademicWeek
- AccountabilityRating
- AdditionalCredits
- Address
- Assessment
- AssessmentIdentificationCode
- AssessmentItem
- AssessmentPerformanceLevel
- AssessmentPeriodDescriptor
- Attendance
- AttendanceEvent
- BehaviorDescriptor
- BehaviorDescriptorType
- BirthData
- CalendarDate
- ClassRanking
- Cohort
- CohortYear
- CompetencyLevelDescriptor
- CompetencyLevelDescriptorType
- Course
- CourseCode
- CourseOffering
- CourseTranscript
- Credential
- CredentialFieldDescriptor
- Credits
- CreditsByCourse
- CreditsBySubject
- CTEProgram
- Diploma
- Disability
- DisciplineAction
- DisciplineDescriptor
- DisciplineDescriptorType
- DisciplineIncident
- EducationalOrgIdentityType
- EducationOrganization
- EducationOrgIdentificationCode
- ElectronicMail
- EmploymentPeriod
- FeederSchoolType
- Grade
- GradebookEntry
- GradingPeriod
- GradingPeriodIdentityType
- GraduationPlan
- Home
- InstitutionTelephone
- LearningObjective
- LearningObjectiveIdentityType
- LearningStandard
- LearningStandardId
- LearningStandardIdentityType
- LearningStyles
- Links
- LocalEducationAgency
- MiscellaneousEvent
- Name
- ObjectiveAssessment
- OtherName
- Parent
- PerformanceLevelDescriptor
- PostSecondaryEvent
- Program
- ProgramParticipation
- Recognition
- ReportCard
- RestraintEvent
- RestraintEventReasonsType
- School
- SchoolYearAttendanceType
- ScoreResult
- SecondaryBehavior
- Section
- ServiceDescriptor
- ServiceDescriptorType
- Session
- Staff
- StaffCohortAssociation
- StaffEducationOrganizationAssociation
- StaffIdentificationCode
- StaffProgramAssociation
- StateEducationAgency
- Student
- StudentAcademicRecord
- StudentAssessment
- StudentAssessmentItem
- StudentCharacteristic
- StudentCohortAssociation
- StudentCompetency
- StudentCompetencyObjective
- StudentCompetencyObjectiveReference
- StudentCTEProgramAssociation
- StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation
- StudentGradebookEntry
- StudentIdentificationCode
- StudentIndicator
- StudentObjectiveAssessment
- StudentParentAssociation
- StudentProgramAssociation
- StudentSchoolAssociation
- StudentSectionAssociation
- StudentSpecialEdProgramAssociation
- Teacher
- TeacherSchoolAssociation
- TeacherSectionAssociation
- Telephone
- WeaponsType
- AcademicHonorsType
- AcademicSubjectType
- AdditionalCreditType
- AddressType
- AdministrationEnvironmentType
- AdministrativeFundingControlType
- AssessmentCategoryType
- AssessmentIdentificationSystemType
- AssessmentItemResultType
- AssessmentReportingMethodType
- AttendanceEventCategoryType
- AttendanceEventType
- BehaviorCategoryType
- CalendarEventType
- CareerPathwayType
- CharterStatusType
- ClassroomPositionType
- CohortScopeType
- CohortType
- CohortYearType
- ContentStandardType
- CountryCodeType
- CourseAttemptResultType
- CourseCodeSystemType
- CourseDefinedByType
- CourseGPAApplicabilityType
- CourseLevelCharacteristicItemType
- CourseLevelType
- CourseRepeatCodeType
- CredentialType
- CreditType
- DiplomaLevelType
- DiplomaType
- DisabilityType
- DisciplineActionLengthDifferenceReasonType
- EducationalEnvironmentType
- EducationalPlanItemType
- EducationOrganizationCategoryType
- EducationOrgIdentificationSystemType
- ElectronicMailAddressType
- EmploymentStatusType
- EntryType
- EnvironmentType
- ExitWithdrawType
- GenerationCodeSuffixType
- GPAWeightedType
- GradeLevelType
- GradeType
- GradingPeriodType
- GraduationPlanType
- IdeaEligibilityType
- IncidentLocationType
- InstitutionTelephoneNumberType
- ItemCategoryType
- LanguageItemType
- LEACategoryType
- LeaveEventCategoryType
- LevelOfEducationType
- LevelType
- LimitedEnglishProficiencyType
- LinguisticAccommodationItemType
- MagnetSpecialProgramEmphasisSchoolType
- MediumOfInstructionType
- MeetingDayItemType
- MethodCreditEarnedType
- OldEthnicityType
- OperationalStatusType
- OtherNameType
- PerformanceBaseType
- PersonalInformationVerificationType
- PersonalTitlePrefixType
- PopulationServedType
- PostingResultType
- PostSecondaryEventCategoryType
- ProgramAssignmentType
- ProgramSponsorType
- ProgramType
- RaceItemType
- ReasonExitedType
- ReasonNotTestedType
- RecognitionType
- RelationType
- RepeatIdentifierType
- ReporterDescriptionType
- ResponseIndicatorType
- RestraintEventReasonItemType
- RetestIndicatorType
- SchoolCategoryItemType
- SchoolFoodServicesEligibilityType
- SchoolType
- SchoolYearType
- Section504DisabilityItemType
- SeparationReasonType
- SeparationType
- SexType
- SpecialAccommodationItemType
- StaffClassificationType
- StaffIdentificationSystemType
- StateAbbreviationType
- StudentCharacteristicType
- StudentIdentificationSystemType
- StudentParticipationCodeType
- TeachingCredentialBasisType
- TeachingCredentialType
- TelephoneNumberType
- TermType
- TitleIPartAParticipantType
- TitleIPartASchoolDesignationType
- WeaponItemType
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