Our IT guy was just looking at Adeona two minutes before he read this post. Very interesting. I'd like to see the crackerjack team who is developing FOG [http://freeghost.sf.net] intregrate something like this into their server. Having a central spot to manage all of those credentials files would certainly make it easier to scale.
We've been using FOG for 2 months and it certainly delivers all that it promises.
I was just wishing for some kind of communication medium, a publishing platform perhaps, that would allow me to broadcast my thoughts to dozens of people who share my varied interests. Have you heard of any?
Lunch in DC is overrated. How about T'queria Pacifica? Name the weekday and I'll be there...
Our IT guy was just looking at Adeona two minutes before he read this post. Very interesting. I'd like to see the crackerjack team who is developing FOG [http://freeghost.sf.net] intregrate something like this into their server. Having a central spot to manage all of those credentials files would certainly make it easier to scale.
We've been using FOG for 2 months and it certainly delivers all that it promises.
Good to hear FOG works... if only you had some vehicle for passing along what you've learned to other tech coordinators...
Anyhow, maybe we can get together for lunch next year at NECC ;-)
I was just wishing for some kind of communication medium, a publishing platform perhaps, that would allow me to broadcast my thoughts to dozens of people who share my varied interests. Have you heard of any?
Lunch in DC is overrated. How about T'queria Pacifica? Name the weekday and I'll be there...
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