Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Charters Really Think About Hybrid Learning

Michael Goldstein:

Even if the handful of well known “hybrid” charter schools — which get a decent amount of philanthropy — they staff will tell you (off the record) that their own data/observations seems to show that the online tutoring is pretty rocky. It seems cool to technophile observers, but it often functions more as a way to keep kids occupied (teacher costs down) than to really drive learning.


Dan Meyer said...

If Goldstein and Khan sold YOU in that piece on the inverted classroom then I may as well pack up my ball and head home.

Tom Hoffman said...

I tend to think that if video lessons could transform education we'd have figured that out thirty years ago and exploited the disruptive innovation of VHS tapes.

Also, to the English teacher, it isn't clear what the big deal is, since reading the next chapter and talking about it in class the next day is a sort of inverted classroom, isn't it?

Nathan Lowell said...

It ain't the tool. It's how it's used.

When people with no training, no background, and no stake in learning it use complex and powerful tools, they do one of two things. Barely touch them, or figuratively burn their hands off.

It's easier to blame the tool than admit you don't know how to use it.